Jakarta – The Chief of Indonesian National Police (INP), Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, met with the Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Firli Bahuri. This meeting discussed cooperation to strengthen corruption eradication in Indonesia.
The Chief of Indonesian National Police (INP), Police General Sigit, said that his visit to the KPK was mandatory as the new Chief of INP. Sigit said that there were several things discussed at the meeting, including strengthening the eradication of corruption in the country.
“Of course, as previously stated by the KPK leadership, there are several things that we will strengthen in the future,” said The Chief of INP.
The Chief of INP said the first thing that would be strengthened between the National Police and the KPK was human resource cooperation. There is also related to preventing corruption, especially during a pandemic, to restore Indonesia’s economic condition.
“As we know, the government, in this case, has carried out many refocusing activities in the context of overcoming Covid and restoring the national economy. Of course, we have to maintain this so that it can run well, and then the program can be on time, right on target, and of course, we reduce the risks of existing leaks, “he said.
The Chief of INP also discussed cooperation in the field of prosecution in the joint investigation. According to him, the synergy in handling corruption cases continues to be strengthened.
“This includes activities related to educational issues, and also related to supervision issues that often occur between law enforcers. Of course, there needs to be an agreement. “Of course, in the future, the KPK, the Attorney General’s Office, and the Police can work together so that there are no gaps,” he said