Jakarta – Criminal Investigation Departement of Indonesian National Police (CID) investigators will hand over Rizieq Shihab and other suspects to the Attorney General’s Office (AGO) today. The handover of evidence and suspect or stage II is carried out after all case files are declared complete (P21).
The suspect and the evidence submitted are related to suspected violations of health quarantine in Petamburan and Megamendung. Besides, the criminal allegations prevented or hindered the handling of infectious disease outbreaks associated with taking the Swab at Ummi Hospital.
“Today, Monday, February 8, 2021, the suspect and evidence will be handed over to the prosecutor (phase II),” said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the Indonesian National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono, on Monday (8/2/2021).
In the first case, Rizieq Shihab and five other people were named suspects by the CID of INP regarding the alleged violation of the health protocol in Petamburan.
The five are the Chairperson of the Islamic Defender Front (FPI), Shabri Lubis (SL) as the person in charge of the event, Haris Ubaidillah (HU) as the Chair of the Committee, Ali bin Alwi Alatas (A) as the Committee Secretary, the LPI Commander Maman Suryadi (MS) as the person in charge security, and Habib Idrus (HI) as head of the program section.
Then, a case of an alleged violation of health protocols at a groundbreaking ceremony at the Markaz Syariah Agrokultural Islamic Boarding School, Megamendung, Bogor, West Java.
Furthermore, the suspected case was obstructing the epidemic prevention related to implementing the swab test at the Bogor Ummi Hospital. In this case, the investigators from the General Crime Directorate of INP also named Rizieq’s son-in-law, Hanif Alatas, and Ummi Bogor Hospital Director, Andi Tatat, as suspects.