Bali – Indonesia Military (TNI) Commander, Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, together with the Chief of Indonesian National Police (INP), General Listyo Sigit Prabowo made a working visit to Bali to ensure the compliance of the Balinese people with the implementation of 3M (Wearing Masks, Washing Hands and Maintaining Distance) in Enforcing Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) Java-Bali.
During his visit, the TNI Commander and the Chief of INP visited two traditional markets in Denpasar, namely the Kumbasari market and the Badung market.
The Governor of Bali accompanied them, I Wayan Koster, along with his staff. The TNI Commander, together with the INP Chief of INP, provided socialization to the public and traders in traditional markets and distributed masks.
“We saw firsthand the activities at traditional markets related to health protocols after we saw that officers supervised the entry procedures,” said the Chief of INP, General Listyo Sigit, at the location, Thursday (4/2).
Meanwhile, the TNI Commander asked the public not to be bored of implementing the basic “3M” health protocols (mask-wearing, handwashing, and physical distancing) to break the Covid-19 spread chain reduce the number of cases.
“But what we want to convey to the public or market visitors is not to be bored to comply with the 3M health protocol,” he explained.
TNI and INP officers assisted by Balinese pecalang elements are also asked always to remind three problems.
“The first is when people come whether they use masks or not, most of them already use masks,” said the TNI Commander.