Jakarta – The Indonesian National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, visited the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board in the context of a gathering to increase synergy between the National Police and religious organizations in Indonesia.
Sigit met directly with the Chairman of PBNU, KH. Said Aqil Siradj and other administrators. On that occasion, Sigit said that the Indonesian National Police would increase synergy with the ulama to maintain Public Security and Order (Kamtibmas).
“Increasing the synergy relationship between Umara and Ulama in implementing Harkamtibmas programs,” said Sigit at the PBNU Office, Central Jakarta, Thursday (28/1).
According to Sigit, in carrying out the Kamtibmas maintenance program, The Indonesian National Police certainly need support from elements of society. Therefore, said Sigit, the role of the PBNU was needed because it was one of the largest Islamic organizations in Indonesia.
Sigit also appreciated the Chairman of the PBNU, Said Aqil, and all of its officials who stated that they were ready to provide support to the Indonesian National Police to jointly maintain peace in Indonesia.
“On this occasion we are very grateful. He (Chairman of the PBNU, KH Said Aqil) gave full support to the Indonesian National Police to jointly carry out all programs in order to maintain the stability of our Community Security,” said Sigit.
The form of support, said Sigit, was that later NU would assist police personnel at the Sector Police, Resort Police, and Regional Police ranks. All of that, according to Sigit, to create a safe and peaceful Indonesia.
“So the Head of the Sector Police with the branch NU management, then the Head The Resort Police and the NU administrators on it, up to the Regional Police and us, the Indonesian National Police Chief, work together with the central leadership of the central PBNU, Pak KH. Said Aqil. That is what we will maintain and develop in order to provide a sense of security to the community, “said Sigit.