Jakarta – Actions against traffic violations are carried out through a ticket system (proof of violation) manually, semi electronically or electronically (electronic traffic law enforcement / etle) is carried out for:
1. Preventing traffic jams / accidents or other traffic problems;
2. Providing protection / protection to other road users;
3. Building a culture of orderly traffic;
4. Education;
5. Legal certainty. Manual ticketing that has been done by many obstacles in the field, from speed, complaints to potential / abuse of authority.
Electronic ticketing is carried out as an effort to provide security and safety as well as law services by shortening the ways of taking action / taking action by officers in the field by using barcode reading devices / safety codes on driving licenses (SIM) / vehicle registration certificates (STNK) or vehicles that are passing are not blank with CCTV cameras or online gates connected to the back office to recognize faces and vehicles whose data will be processed into a traffic behavior record (TAR) which will be linked to the SIM extension system in the program de merit point by system.
The traffic behavior data will be analyzed based on what AIat is, if there is confirmation, the vehicle owner or the offender is obliged to pay a fine at the bank.
Support from the prosecutor’s office and courts as well as banks is the basis or basis for the success or success of implementing ETLE.
The advantages of using ETLE include: 1. No need to write manually, faster processing time.
2. Does not require a ticket form.
3. Direct ticket data can be connected to the back office so that accurate data can be obtained as a filling and recording system that can be linked to the TAR and de merit systems.
4. Connected with the bank for payment of fines.
5. Connected with the court to hear / impose fine decisions.
6. Officers can attach evidence of violations in the form of photos / films / recordings as attachments to the trial.
7. Violators may be subject to a demeryt point system for their violations.
8. As a basis for the SIM testing system, education and other traffic police programs.
9. Can provide actual information as a portrait and even an orderly cultural index of traffic.
10. Avoiding the practice of extortion by unscrupulous officers in the field.
Steps to build an on line ticket:
1. Political will / strong policies from the leaders of the relevant stakeholders.
2. Rationalize the implementation so that it is clear and easy to understand as a model for its implementation in the field. Rationalization as an implementation concept is described in the SOP and its guidelines.
3. Build infrastructure systems (back office, applications and networks), based on AI (artificial intelligence) and iot (internet of things) supported by eri (electronic registration and identification) of SIM and STNK and TNKB products become ANPR (automatic number plates recognition) with barcode / code systems that can be read by camera or at the action gate.
4. Prepare the transformation team as a support team / quality control team.
5. Conduct an MoU with stakeholders.
6. Preparing masters and trainers and conducting training.
7. Preparing Human Resources Sockets for ticket administration officers at the back office.
8. Conduct training for the officers in action.
9. Conduct pilot projects and outreach. 10. Monitor and evaluate.
11. Developing ETLE Transfer of knowledge in the world of practice that changes the mind set.
What is done for online ticketing or ETLE (actually the only way to get a ticket using electronic means) so that it can be assertive and humanist to realize
1. Traffic is safe, safe orderly and smoothly
2. Improve the quality of safety and reduce the fatality rate for accident victims
3. Building a culture of orderly traffic
4. Providing excellent service to the public in the field of road traffic and transportation.