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Thursday, February 6, 2025

High school teachers dismantle the true nature of the National Police Chief Candidate Commissioner General Listyo Sigit

Jogja – After being proposed by President Joko Widodo as the sole candidate for Chief of Police of the Republic of Indonesia, Listyo Sigit Prabowo’s name immediately became a byword in the public who were curious about the figure of the 1991 Police Academy graduate who was also a 1988 Yogyakarta 8 High School graduate, Saturday (16/1 /2021).

Listyo Sigit Fine Arts Teacher, Drs. Suhardi said that when he was in high school, the little Listyo Sigit was a quiet child and didn’t do much.

“Mas Listyo Sigit used to be in a quiet class, his children weren’t all kinds,” Suhardi opened, “he said when met by a media crew at his house in Galur, Kulon Progo.

According to Hardi, that is the call of the teacher who is in his retirement for two years, there is one incident that he still remembers to this day.

“At that time there was an empty hour, one class wanted to skip class together but Listyo and two of his friends insisted on staying in class,” he explained with a laugh.

Little Listyo Sigit, he continued, is a smart child academically and is active in the martial arts field.

“Previously, it was also ranked in class, in the top five if I’m not mistaken, martial arts also reached the provincial level,” he explained.

To the media crew, Hardi said that he had followed the career development of his student starting when he served as Head of the Surakarta City Police and Head of the Banten Regional Police.

“Even when there was a Pakci Social Action event, in early 2020 Listyo also contributed and came to motivate and share with his juniors at Public Senior High School 8 “he continued.

Regarding the nomination of Police Commissioner General Listyo Sigit as Chief of Police of the Republic of Indonesia, Commissioner General Pol Listyo stated that he had no doubts about his student’s ability.

“Yes, if seen from the character at the moment I had no doubt that Listyo was able to carry more responsibilities than his current position, “Hardi explained.

Hardi hopes that his student will remain firm and trustworthy.

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