Papua – Burning of an airplane belonging to the Missionary Aviation Fellowship (MAF) by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) / The Free Papua Organization (OPM) at a Perintis Airport located in Pagamba village, Mbiandoga district, in Papua some time ago had a bad impact on the province’s aviation world, Thursday (14/01/2012).
This was conveyed by airline safety manager PT Semuwa Aviasi Mandiri (SAM) Air Bambang Gunawan, who issued a Safety Notice containing a ban on flying to several areas considered red or vulnerable in Papua.
PT SAM Air Safety Manager Bambang Gunawan added that this was done after the burning of planes in Intan Jaya Regency by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) / Free Papua Organization (OPM).
According to Gunawan, the flight ban is specifically for routes in a number of remote villages in Papua. Such as Bugalapa Village, Biandoga District, Homeyo District and several other places in Intan Jaya Regency. This resulted in the community in the village experiencing difficulties in transportation and food supply.
The safety notice is only valid temporarily, but SAM Air has not been able to confirm when it will fly back to these areas, “he said.
“If security has been guaranteed by the state in the region, then SAM Air will return to the area in question,” he said.
Meanwhile, other areas that are guarded by security forces, both TNI and Polri and airports, and have security guarantees from ATC will still be served.