Semarang – D-7 Ahead of the 2020 Concurrent Regional Head Election which will be held in 21 Regencies / Cities, the Central Java Regional Police held Apples and the Covid-19 Swab Test for security personnel for the 2020 Regional Elections at the voting stage. Today (2/12/2020).
In the Apel, the Head of the Central Java Regional Police, Inspector General of Police Ahmad Luthfi, went directly to check the Central Java Regional Police personnel who would be dispatched as BKO in various regions of Central Java.
Not to forget the members did the Rapid Test and Swab Test in the 2nd Floor Hall, Central Java Police Headquarters. The number of personnel carrying out the Rapid Test and Swab Test today is 509 with details of 180 Samapta personnel, 245 personnel from BKO Satwil and 84 personnel for standby staff at Command Headquarters.
In the Apple Rapid Test and Swab Test readiness, members who will be sent to the regions that carry out the Regional Head Election, the Central Java Regional Police Chief advised all personnel to assist the region in securing the 2020 Regional Head Election in Central Java to be healthy.
“The Central Java Regional Police conducted a swab test on members involved in securing the 2020 Regional Head Election in Central Java, so that personnel are always healthy and can help secure the Pilkada to the maximum,” said the Head of Regional Police.
The Regional Police Chief also said that if there are personnel who are positive or reactive to Covid-19, they will be withdrawn and replaced by other healthy personnel.
In addition to conducting the Rapid Test and Swab Test on the security personnel for the Simultaneous Regional Head Election 2020, previously the Central Java Regional Police have carried out many other preparations, namely by preparing more than 14,000 personnel who will be alerted especially to secure the Concurrent Regional Head Election which will be held on December 9. challenge.