JAKARTA – The Indonesian National Police Chief General Idham Azis led the rally for the Head of Regional Units throughout Indonesia at the Rupatama Building of the Indonesian Police Headquarters, South Jakarta, Wednesday (11/25/2020). This activity was attended by 34 Regional Police Heads and 493 Resort Police Heads.
Because it is still the Covid-19 Pandemic or the corona virus, several Kapolda and Kapolres have participated in this event virtually. This was done in order to implement strict health protocols.
Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General of Police, Argo Yuwono, revealed that, in his direction, the National Police Chief gave several firm directions to all his staff in Indonesia. Among them, related to the handling of Covid-19.
The Indonesian National Police Chief, said Argo, instructed the Heads of Regional Units not to hesitate to enforce health protocols in the community.
“So the activities of the Regional Unit Head Apples are related to several things. In handling Covid-19, the emphasis is on the law, namely that Regional Police Heads must enforce health protocols, there is no doubt with the Indonesian National Army, the Civil Service Police Unit and community leaders, “said Argo.
Then the next firm direction is that the Regional Police Heads and Resort Police Heads are asked to neutralize fixed prices in the implementation of the simultaneous regional Head Elections in 2020. In addition, the ranks are also instructed to maintain security during the democratic party.
“Regarding the 2020 Regional Head Elections, of course with the Regional Head Elections starting from the Regional Police Chiefs, the Regional Police Chiefs who have simultaneous Regional Head Elections in 270 provinces, districts / cities will secure the Voting Sites, secure ballot boxes, appeals about vote counting and other phasing. In the Regional Head Election, the emphasis is on fixed price neutrality, ”said Argo.
Argo emphasized, if the Head of the Regional Unit violates this, the Indonesian Police Chief will not hesitate to impose disciplinary sanctions on his staff.
“Then if there is a member of the Police who commits an offense, the Chief of Police of the Republic of Indonesia emphasizes through a Telegram (STR), Vidcon, or direct directives that he will take firm action based on the violation committed in the field,” said Argo.
Furthermore, the direction regarding the Omnibus Law Work Creation Act. In this regard, the Indonesian National Police Chief allowed the public to hold an action, however, the Kasatwil were instructed to immediately take firm action if the demonstration of rejection turned anarchist.
With regard to the Omnibus Law, of course a policy will be issued, if indeed in expressing an opinion it has been regulated in the mandate of the law, if an anarchist occurs, he will be strictly dealt with,” said Argo.
10 Meanwhile, regarding the security of Christmas 2020 and New Year 2021, the National Police conducted security with a special centralized Police operation codenamed Opera Lilin which was held from 23 December 2020 to 4 January 2021.
“There were 191,534 personnel involved in the operation of the Candle Operation security, then made 4,216 service posts and security posts. For these activities we prioritize sympathy and nothing repressive, “said Argo.
Action of sympathy, said Argo, the Chief of Police of the Republic of Indonesia wants his staff to take sympathetic actions to the community, especially road users if someone violates them by providing social assistance in the form of basic necessities, masks and hand sanitizers.
“Through the Logistics Assistant (Aslog) the Chief of Police of the Republic of Indonesia said that he had provided 5,000 tons of rice currently in Bulog to be given to Polda and Polres throughout Indonesia so that it could be used to help people affected by Covid-19 related to its distribution, which would be formulated by the Logistics Assistant. , “Said Argo.
In the 2020 Regional Unit Heads’ Meeting of the Regional Unit Chiefs of the Indonesian Police emphasized that, all activities are focused on humanitarian activities / social service, the synergy of the Indonesian National Army-Police of the Republic of Indonesia TNI-Polri crystallizes in the hearts of all members and the development of Police personnel with rewards and punishment.
On the other hand, Argo emphasized, since the leadership of the Indonesian National Police Chief Idham Aziz and the Assistant Human Resources (ASDM) of the Indonesian National Police Chief that until now there has been no factoring / all of them have had positions and have been assigned.
“Later, graduates from the National Defense Forces and Sesko TNI from the Police will arrive, who will be immediately placed according to their competence,” said Argo.
“The National Police hopes that the T.A 2020 regional unit chief for the Indonesian people can be useful,” said Argo