Semarang – Central Java Regional Police Chief Inspector General of Policeh Ahmad Luthfi ordered all Resort Police Chiefs and City Resort Police Heads to take firm action against intolerant groups in the jurisdiction of Central Java.
All ranks were mobilized to prevent the growth of intolerance movements in society.
“That is the principle and I have ordered the fixed price for the entire ranks of the Resort Police Chief and the City Resort Police Chief. community at Gradhika Bhakti Building, Central Java Province, Friday (11/20/2020).
Not only intolerant groups, banners deemed illegal will also be removed for security and order. As happened in the city of Solo, Central Java. The removal of them targeted a banner with a picture of the leader of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Habib Rizieq Shihab. The banner was removed by the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) escorted by the Indonesian National Army / Police of the Republic of Indonesia, Friday (20/11/2020).
Control is carried out on all protocol roads in Solo City. The locations for controlling include Serengan District, Laweyan District and Pasar Kliwon District.
“We encourage the Civil Service Police Unit to carry out its main duties and functions. Its function is to control banners and billboards that do not comply with the provisions. The Police of the Republic of Indonesia provide security guarantees for the Civil Service Police Unit to carry out their duties properly, “said the Head of Solo Police, Senior Commissioner Ade Safri Simanjuntak.
The location of the control in Serengan District is one point, Laweyan District with two points, and Pasarkliwon District with three points. At each point of controlling, two billboards or banners were found that violated the rules.
“We monitor every corner of the city and protocol roads. There were banners that were not installed according to the rules and were arbitrary, ”he said.
The removal of illegal banners and billboards not in accordance with the regulations also occurred in several cities such as Karanganyar and Grobogan.
“The takers were not only in the Solo area, but throughout the Central Java Regional Police, the banners that were removed were those that violated the rules, without permission for placement and location, especially banners that had a prophetic tone to cut the sense of national unity and integrity. said the Head of the Regional Police.
The Regional Police Chief also asked the ranks to close the space for intolerant groups, especially in the Central Java region.
“There is no opportunity and space for intolerant groups, especially in the Central Java Regional Police,” said the Head of the Regional Police.
The two-star general said that he was currently in two operations at the same time, namely Mantap Praja and Aman Nusa. Operation Mantap Praja is related to securing the 2020 Regional Head Election, and Aman Nusa to anticipate natural disasters and Covid-19.
“So the two activities synergize together carried out by dividing the members evenly. “We have also agreed with the Commander of the Regional Military Command IV / Diponegoro, the Governor of Java Temggah, that we will jointly carry out this activity, both handling natural disasters and Covid-19 together,” he said.
The Regional Police Chief emphasized that enforcement of regulations, especially in handling Covid, is an explanation of President Jokowi’s instructions.
“The principle is that we enforce the prevailing laws and regulations, especially Covid-19 as the translation of Presidential Instruction Number 6 of 2020,” he said.