Pangkalpinang – The Directorate of Water and Air Police of the Bangka Belitung Police succeeded in thwarting the smuggling of illegal tin sand weighing 3.5 tons from the waters of Terentang Village, Koba District, Central Bangka Regency, Monday (1/11/2020) in the morning.
The plan is for the illegal tin to be sent outside Bangka Island by using a motor boat (KM) Intan. A total of 12 people were detained by the police in this illegal activity, four of whom have been named as suspects.
“We have secured 12 people, four of whom we named suspects. Those we named suspects, namely A, R and S served as ship captains and U as field supervisors,” said Ade, Tuesday (11/2/2020).
In addition to securing the suspect, the police also confiscated evidence (BB) in the form of a KM Intan 12 ship with 16 GT capability, a Yamaha brand 40 PK 2 outboard speed boat driven R, a Yamaha 40 PK outboard speed boat 2 outboard engine steered. A and sand is thought to be 77 bags of tin with an estimated weight of 3.5 tonnes.
“Our suspects have suspected violations of Article 161 of Law Number 3 of 2020 concerning Minerba and Article 323 of Law Number 17 of 2008 concerning Shipping,” he said. * 6 Ade said that the illegal tin sand smuggling case was revealed after the Babel Police’s Police Shark Tiger Team secured KM Intan 12 which was going to collect tin from Tanjung Tuing waters, Bangka Regency, Sunday (1/11) at 15.00 WIB.
“First, we secure brother A as the captain of the ship, who at that time ordered 2.5 tonnes of fuel. From A’s statement, we got the information that he would take tin from the Terentang Beach area,” explained Ade. From A’s statement, Monday 1 November 2020 at 01.00 WIB the police rushed to the Koba Terentang Beach, Central Bangka Regency. From this location the police succeeded in securing two people who acted as ship captains with the initials R and U as field supervisors.
“From the statement of suspect A, tin (smuggling) activities have been carried out twice at the same location. The tin sand plan will be sent out of Bangka Island,” he concluded.